Monday, January 24, 2011

I've been distracted

by a dance blog I"m doing for work.  So if you miss me, feel free to take a peek :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

This made sense in my head...

but I'm not sure it works on paper.  Thoughts?

Hello, this is Rosanne, how can I direct your call?
Make sure they hear the smile in your voice
Yes, I have a question about tracking…
Sound like you’ve just finished laughing
Yes, I was wondering if you have the shoe I want in stock…
Smile damn it!  They can tell!
Yes, I have a question about sizing…
You’re tired?  Okay, smile through that yawn!
Wait, what did you just say?
Um… How can I direct your call?
NO, who did you say you were?
Rosanne, my name’s Rosanne…
OH!  I though you said you were my dad.  But that didn’t make any since, you’re a girl.  Also, I don’t think you guys are in California. 
No, we’re not in California, and yes, I am a girl.  So not your dad.  But close- or not at all!  How can I help you?
I spend all day talking to people I don’t know.  Some of them are the sweetest people.  I wish I could meet them, or at least let them know how glad I am they’re on the other end of the line.  Others, well, they turn our office rule of staying positive into a challenge. 
Hello, this is Rosanne, how can I direct your call?
Something is terribly wrong! Her voice is high and tense.  In my mind, she’s an over worked soccer mom, always sorting out the messes of her family, and now, even this turns into a mess for her! 
Sometimes, back stories help you stay sane during these calls.
Oh no! Sound shocked, like you can’t believe anything could go wrong with anything we sell What happened?
I received my package.
And… Yes?
You don’t understand- I received my package. I don’t know if I can effectively communicate the way she says this.  It’s like that dramatic moment in a movie where the hero is informing everyone that there is a bomb that will explode in 60 seconds and if he doesn’t defuse it, the entire city will burn… .
But we’re talking about a shipment of pajamas.  Horror!
And what exactly was wrong with it?
Nothing!  But it’s here!
Should it be somewhere else? Maybe she ment to ship it to a friend.  That could be a problem.
They said it wouldn’t come until tomorrow! And it’s here today!
Okay, that does sound horrible.  Have you called 911 yet? Because this is a greater catastrophe than I can handle all by myself!  Well, I’m sorry you weren’t expecting it, is there a problem with it arriving early?
Well, no.
Okay, well, I’m glad your package arrived- is there anything else I can do for you?
How may I direct your call?
Hello Rosanne!
These are the people I wonder about the most.  The ones that keep calling.  They place an order- over the phone even though they can do it online.  Then they find a reason to call back- and call back again.  You get the picture.  They want to know if they gave you the right address.  They want to know if it’s shipping today.  They want to see if it’s arriving soon (even though you gave them the tracking number yesterday).  They exchange their purchase for a different size, then a different color, then they decide they want a different style.  Then….
Rosanne, I’m glad I got you!  It’s me again!
Hi Fred.  What did you forget to ask me during our lovely little chat this morning? 
My you sound Chipper!
I try!  You don’t know how hard I try with you!!!
It makes me think there is a little mouse that sits under your desk and tickles your toes with its whiskers.
Oh, that’s a silly thought Fred.  Did you need something?
Seriously, a mouse under my desk would make me laugh?  If I was tickled by mouse whiskers suddenly, I really don’t think laughing would be on the top of my to do list! 

I think about these people and I wonder if they keep calling just because our job is to keep smiling.  No matter how much time we waste telling them information they already know, looking up their orders, processing exchanges that will be returned again.  We just keep smiling at them through the phone lines. 
Call us any time, 10-6 eastern standard time. 

We’d love to help you!
This is ultimately, after a lot of editing and some additions, supposed to be part of a book I'm working on about all the weird conversations I've had with strangers.  So you'll probably see more chapter-ish things from that coming through in the next few weeks.  

And here's a very rough draft of something I'm working on, but I like the idea in the first line better than anything else in the poem.  I'm trying to decide if I should keep working with what I've done or just scrap everything but the first line.  Hummm... (also, no title yet)

You are my safe place to land
In the expansive sea of uncertainty
You glide the wind in your sails
Blowing you towards the shore
As I fly, floundering
Lost from the land I love
Captured by a hurricane,
Cast out in the bitter night.
Wings bruised, feathers torn
Almost giving up, until I see you
On the horizon
Ready to bring me home.  

Also, I'm working on a very feminist-y poem.  Stay tuned to see how that one turns out. It could be... um... interesting? ;)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Are we there yet?

I'm not sure, but I'm excited about it, so let's pretend!

The Gardner
Beneath the ancient spigot’s rust filled flow
Adam’s hands are changing from dirt to flesh
As the layers of loam slip from fingers
Covered in calluses, thick as the gloves
He never wears. 
Veins of white scars appear against
Sun stained skin, the final layer of brown
that covers his hands-
Hands full of the strength
that makes the rosebuds bloom.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011, Here we go.

To welcome the new year, Here are two poems I've written:
May the year continue to be so productive!

Learning to Fly
Till now you’ve spent your life so brief
Living on the edge of the sky
Looking over downy walls
To the patchwork world beneath
Feel the wind glide through your wings,
Your heart beat through your chest
It’s time to fly now, do or die
You’ve fallen from your nest.

Sand castles we build
Swept away by the tide
Vanish, like Atlantis
In seas not memories
As we sleep