Friday, April 1, 2011

Salting the Wound

I think that is my theme today.  Seriously- my morbidity is showing a lot latley.  (Laura, tell Scott sorry ;)

My dad wrote a limerick, and I realized I'd never written a real limerick (just elementary school fake-outs). So I wrote one. And it's kind of awful (in a good way I think). It seems kind of cruel to write limericks about things that can be so painful, but it does twist the knife well. So here it is, in all of its' morbid glory.

There once was a girl who never grew
Though her family begged her to
She lay there all day
Just wasting away
In a box the size of a shoe.

(Also, I learned about this:
OEDLIF (The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form))

And after that poem, my mind got stuck there (you may recognize the first part from 'ugly baby poemlings' ages ago):

Always Asleep
Empty spaces for ghosts to fill-
She left a bassinet, a tiny shoe
The stars may laugh
But angels cry
As I sing this last lullaby
And while I l hum your empty tune-
With your loss fill the room
Mothers remember
Though brothers forget
Our never awakened, always asleep.

Little white fingers,
Laced with little white scars,
Trace crisp white knives
All day long

Little white fingers
Wearing little ruby rings
Dream of lemons
All night long

And this one is a little less like the others.  I was thinking about how Angel finds her way into almost everything I write (very obviously in many of my recent peices, and even in less obvious places, if you look for her, you'll find her). 

Playfully rolling off of my tongue,
your sounds slip into babbling brooks of ink-
they dance through my dissonance-
as you hum homilies, your elusive echos alliterate
You are my theme

In the spaces between each word,
your breath breaths life into emptiness-
you punctuate my written moments
with your gasps, sighs, and silences.
You are my theme

Similes-metaphors, they are the same
they are you- and you are
daffodil sun, aster moon
my little lost lamb, my words, my life
You are my theme

Have a great weekend :)

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