Some matter, some energy has always existed. In order to explain the big bang, some existing force had to act upon some existing matter. The Big Bang theory has never been an explanation of how matter and energy came to be. It assumes the existence of both matter and energy, and extrapolates how they formed the world as we see it today. It is not, in essence anti-theistic because it does not explain the origin of original matter and energy (A point that is not really what I'm talking about, but bears keeping in mind).
Whether approaching the creation of the world from a scientific or deistic point of view, there needs to be an acknowledgment that matter/energy/life do not spontaneously occur. Some force has to act on the appropriate matter in order to create mass/energy/life. I believe this force is a divine being.
Why? Well, firstly-why not? Really, Pascal's Wager people.
Secondly, life experiences. I know! So suggestible, biased, and unscientific. I get it, after all, I am by nature fairly skeptical. I doubt strongly the experiences of others due to emotional and hopeful natures. But I know my life, and I know that the most profound experiences I have had are all linked to God. Scoff, mock, or agree, God has unavoidably put himself into my life's story at several critical times.
Thirdly, and a little more scientifically (However, I think we should all know by now that you can neither prove the existence of a god nor the lack of existence of a god. Nor can we scientifically prove phenomena that there was no witness to. Both sides of the Deist/Atheist debate can only extrapolate the creation of the world, etc. using the evidence we have before us now.) I believe in God because there is something in me, as a human, anthropologically, that wants to. Because humanity as a whole seeks to explain things outside of our frame of reference. Because we, as people, never create a truly new idea. Because the probability of this world being formed by chance are so minute, I struggle to grasp the tiny odds.
If I was trying to explain my belief in God in terms of the humanities, which is, admittedly, the way I am inclined to look at the world, and therefore God, I'd have a whole different set of reasons. But here, I'm trying to explain my belief in the second language of my brain (science, not humanities). I know many people who are scientists, doctors, mathematicians that understand these ideas better than I do, but they don't often choose to use their second language, writing, to explain these things. So this was a stab in the dark, hopefully a workable translation that will get ideas and thoughts started.
PS: I would like to point out that: I really only have one friend who reads this blog regularly, so this is not for you. It's for me and her, and if you want to eavesdrop, go right ahead. I know it's public property out here on the inter-webs. But don't be offended if you don't like this 'cause it isn't for you (And friend, I won't be offended if you don't like this). Also, I know I'm not a scientist. I just am trying to put down what makes sense to me in light of what I know. If anyone reads this and would like to politely point out errors in my understanding, thanks oodles for your tact. I doubt anyone is actually gonna read this who isn't my friend (hi again, friend :) but just in case, I wanted to be clear about the intent of this. Also, If you do actually read this for the poetry and stories and found this random religious dissertation, um... I doubt this will happen very often, so come back soon for more of our regularly scheduled programing. Thanks for reading, and I hope you had fun!
If you are here for the poems, here's one:
Heaven should be
The way earth was, when you were on it
When there was hair, not streets, of gold
When the gates to your soul were the only sapphires
When the daisies fell from your fingertips, sweetly
When your lily skin curved against my body
When milk and honey rolled themselves into words
Trilled from your tongue through lips like love
Heaven will be
The way earth was, when you were on it.
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